Circular Regarding Strengthening and Improving the Work of Recording Important Topics (CECC Partial Translation)

General Administration of Press and Publication


The following is a partial translation provided by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China of the "Notice Regarding Strengthening and Improving the Work of Recording Important Topics," issued by the General Administration for Press and Publication on March 9, 1999.  The Chinese text was retrieved from the Gansu Province's Intellectual Property Office Web site on February 27, 2006.

2. Implementing a monthly reporting system for important topics. In order to strengthen the overall administration of the publishing of important topics, beginning from April 4, 1999, a monthly reporting system for the working situation for these topics is hereby implemented. By the 10th day of each month the Press and Publication Office of each province, autonomous region, and independent municipality, as well as the responsible department for every publishing unit in the capital, must submit a list (in the form attached) of all planned topics that are required to be recorded in the following month to the Book Administration Office of the General Administration of Press and Publication, and simultaneously send a copy to the Publishing Office of the Central Propaganda Department. The Press and Publication Office of each province, autonomous region, and independent municipality must receive approval of its monthly report's contents from the provincial committee's propaganda department before submitting it to their superiors.

4 . . . . The publishing administration agencies of each province, autonomous region and independent municipality, as well as the agencies responsible for publishing work units in the capitals, shall further strengthen overall administration, strictly standardize the working procedures for the work of recording important topics, and increase the degree of law enforcement. With respect to books involving the category of important topics, they shall not only assist publishing units in conducting auditing work in accordance with regulatory procedures, and get a strict grasp on the contents of drafts, but shall also strengthen their regulation and control of quantity, reduce redundancies in publishing, and the overall quality of these types of books.

In the recording of important topics, the publishing administration agencies of each province, autonomous region and independent municipality, shall consult the opinion of the Central Propaganda Department in a timely manner. The publishing administration agencies of each province, autonomous region and independent municipality, as well as the agencies responsible for publishing work units in the capitals, shall supervise and urge the publishing units to earnestly implement the editorial opinions offered by the relevant agencies in the process of auditing drafts, and shall re-audit the drafts that have been revised in accordance with the recordation procedures.


【文 件 号】新出图(1999)198号



根据《出版管理条例》和《图书、期刊、音像制品、电子出版物重大选题备案办法》的规定,涉及国家安全、社会稳定等方面内容,以及可能对国家政治、经 济、文化、军事等产生较大影响的图书,属于重大选题范畴,出版前必须履行备案手续。这是出版工作为全党全国工作大局服务的需要,也是加强宏观管理,促进出 版事业繁荣发展的重大举措。一个时期以来,绝大多数出版单位执行重大选题备案规定的情况是好的,但也有少数出版单位法规意识淡漠,未经备案,擅自出版有关 党和国家主要领导人的著作和描写其工作生活情况的图书,擅自出版内容涉及有关中国共产党党史、中华人民共和国国史、中国人民解放军军史以及外交、民族、宗 教等方面的图书。有些图书由于内容存在问题,在社会上产生了不良影响。



最近、中央办公厅、国务院办公厅分别下发了《关于严格执行编辑出版党和国家主要领导同志讲话选编和研究著作有关规定的通知》(中办发 (1998)32号)和《关于进一步加强对有关出版物管理的通知》(国办发电(1998)252号),对重大选题备案范围、申报程序等,提出了新的要求, 并作了重要补充规定,各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局和在京出版单位的主管部门,应及时组织所属出版单位认真学习,并在工作中认真贯彻执行。

二、实行重大选题月报制度。为加强对重大选题出版的宏观管理,自1999年4月起,对这类选题的运作情况实行月报制度。各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出 版局、在京出版单位的主管部门,每月10日须列表(表格附后)将下一个月拟安排的有关需要备案的选题,报送我署图书出版管理司,并同时抄送中宣部出版局。 各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局月报内容上报前,须经省委宣传部同意。


三、实行重大选题备案工作专人负责制度。各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局、各有关出版社领导班子中要指定专人负责重大选题备案工作,对本地区、本社 安排的重大选题的备案及出版发行情况负责审核把关。为便于联系,各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局、在京出版社要将负责这项工作的人员名单,于1999年3 月底前报我署图书出版管理司。我署图书出版管理司和中宣部出版局也将有专人负责此项工作。

四、分级把关,守土有责。做好重大选题备案工作,需要出版单位和管理部门共同努力。各出版社要进一步建立健全自我约束机制。要严格遵守出版法规和宣 传纪律,按照专业分工范围出书,自觉履行备案手续。对涉及重大选题内容的图书,从选题安排到书稿内容审核,要严格把关,对政治倾向不好、思想观点存在明显 错误、内容平庸或重复的选题和书稿,要坚决予以撤销。要严格按照《图书质量保障体系》有关对图书稿件的三审制度、样书检查制度、出书后的评审制度、图书售 前的送审制度、图书广告的审核制度、重版前的审读制度、图书内容随机抽样审读制度等方面的规定,加强对重大选题出版全过程的监管,力争把隐患消除在图书出 版或上市之前。

各省、自治区、直辖市出版管理部门和在京出版单位主管部门要进一步加强宏观管理,严格规范重大选题备案工作的运作程序,加大执法力度。对涉及重大选 题范畴的图书,不仅要帮助出版单位按规定程序做好审核工作,对书稿内容严格把关,而且要加强总量调控,减少重复出版,提高这类图书的整体质量。


五、加强对重大选题图书的印刷管理。凡印制属重大选题范畴的图书,印刷厂必须要求出版社出示新闻出版署对选题的批复文。办理异地印刷手续时,出版社 所在地的新闻出版局及承印厂所在地的新闻出版局,必须要求出版社出示新闻出版署的批复文。未履行重大选题备案手续的,出版管理部门不得办理异地印制手续, 印刷厂不得安排印制。

六、加大执法力度。近期,各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局、在京出版单位主管部门,要对所属出版社1998年以来重大选题备案情况进行一次认真清 理,并根据不同情况,分别提出整改措施。清理情况于1999年4月底前上报我署图书出版管理司。自本通知发出后,对违规出版的图书,无论内容有无问题,一 律先停止出版发行,由我署图书出版管理司向出版单位和其主管部门发出“违规出版通知单”。待查实出版过程问题和审读书稿内容后,进行相应的行政处罚。对连 续三次收到 “违规出版通知单”或问题严重的出版社,要给予整顿或停业整顿,直至撤销出版资格的处分。今后,对重大选题备案制度的执行情况,将作为出版单位年检的重要 考核内容。

