1989 Law on Guarding State Secrets (Chinese and English Text)

National People's Congress Standing Committee


The following translation was retrieved from the Supreme People's Court Web site on August 31, 2006. The Chinese text was retrieved from the Xinhua News Agency Web site on March 30, 2006. This law, which took effect on May 1, 1989, will be superseded by the law passed by the National People's Congress Standing Committee on April 29, 2010, and which will take effect on October 1, 2010.

Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets








Article 1. This Law is formulated for the purpose of guarding state secrets, safeguarding state security and national interests and ensuring the smooth progress of reform, of opening to the outside world, and of socialist construction.

Article 2. State secrets shall be matters that have a vital bearing on state security and national interests and, as specified by legal procedure, are entrusted to a limited number of people for a given period of time.

Article 3. All state organs, armed forces, political parties, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and citizens shall have the obligation to guard state secrets.

Article 4. The work of guarding state secrets shall be carried out in line with the principle of actively preventing their leak and laying emphasis on priorities so that state secrets are kept while work in all other fields is facilitated.

Article 5. The state secret-guarding department shall be responsible for the guarding of state secrets throughout the country.

The local secret-guarding departments at or above the county level shall, within the scope of their functions and powers, be responsible for the guarding of state secrets in the administrative areas under their jurisdiction.

The central state organs shall, within the scope of their functions and powers, be responsible for and guide the work of guarding state secrets in their own organs and in the departments subordinate to them.

Article 6. State organs at or above the county level and units involving state secrets shall, in the light of their actual conditions, set up bodies or designate personnel to administer the day-to-day work of guarding state secrets within their own organs or units.

Article 7. Units or individuals that have rendered meritorious services in guarding and protecting state secrets and improving techniques and measures in this field of work shall be awarded.


Article 8. In accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of this Law, state secrets shall include the following:

(1) secrets concerning major policy decisions on state affairs;

(2) secrets in the building of national defence and in the activities of the armed forces;

(3) secrets in diplomatic activities and in activities related to foreign countries as well as secrets to be maintained as commitments to foreign countries;

(4) secrets in national economic and social development;

(5) secrets concerning science and technology;

(6) secrets concerning activities for safeguarding state security and the investigation of criminal offences; and

(7) other matters that are classified as state secrets by the state secret-guarding department.

Matters that do not conform with the provisions of Article 2 of this Law shall not be state secrets.

Secrets of political parties that conform with the provisions of Article 2 of this Law shall be state secrets.

Article 9. State secrets shall fall into three categories: most confidential, classified and confidential.

The most confidential information refers to vital state secrets, the divulgence of which will cause extremely serious harm to state security and national interests; classified information refers to important state secrets, the divulgence of which will cause serious harm to state security and national interests; and confidential information refers to ordinary state secrets, the divulgence of which will cause harm to state security and national interests.

Article 10. The specific scopes and categories of state secrets shall be stipulated by the state secret-guarding department together with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Public Security and State Security and other central organs concerned.

The specific scopes and categories of state secrets related to national defence shall be stipulated by the Central Military Commission.

Stipulations on the specific scopes and categories of state secrets shall be made known within relevant quarters.

Article 11. State organs and units at various levels shall, in accordance with the stipulations on the specific scopes and categories of state secrets, classify the state secrets arising in these organs and units.

When people are not sure whether a certain matter is a state secret or which category of state secrets it should be classified into, the question shall be determined by the state secret-guarding department, the secret-guarding department of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, the secret-guarding department of a city where the government of a province or an autonomous region is located, the secret-guarding department of a larger city approved by the State Council, or an organ examined and approved by the state secret-guarding department. Pending the classification of the secret, the state organ or unit where the matter has arisen shall initially take security measures in conformity with the category proposed for its classification.

Article 12. The categories of secrecy shall, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 9, 10 and 11 of this Law, be marked on documents and other material that are determined as state secrets. Documents and other material that are not determined as state secrets shall not be marked as such.

Article 13. When differences arise as to whether a matter is a state secret or which category it should be classified into, the question shall be determined by the state secret-guarding department or the secret-guarding department of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government.

Article 14. While classifying state secrets, state organs and units shall, in the light of each case, determine the periods for guarding these secrets. Specific measures for determining the periods shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department.

Article 15. The categories of state secrets and the periods for guarding them shall be altered in the light of changing circumstances. Such alterations shall be decided on by the state organs or units that determined the categories of the secrets and the periods for guarding them or by superior departments.

Article 16. A state secret shall be automatically declassified upon the expiration of the period for guarding it; in cases where it is necessary to extend the period, the matter shall be decided on by the state organ or unit that determined the category of the secret and the period for guarding it or by a superior department.

When it is found, before the expiration of the period for guarding a state secret that it is no longer necessary to guard it as such, it should be declassified without delay by the state organ or unit that determined its category and defined the period for guarding it or by a superior department.


Article 17. The state secret-guarding department shall formulate security measures regarding the making, receiving, dispatching, transmitting, use, copying, extracting, preservation and destruction of documents and other material and objects that are state secrets.

Measures for storing, drawing, processing and transmitting state secrets by electronic information and other technical means shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department together with the central organs concerned.

Article 18. Documents and other material and objects that are classified as " most confidential " state secrets must be guarded by the following security measures:

(1) They shall not be copied or extracted without approval by the state organ or unit that determined their categories or by superior departments;

(2) People shall be specially designated and necessary security measures taken for their dispatch, reception, delivery and carrying; and

(3) They shall be kept in perfectly equipped safes.

Security measures shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, for approved copies or extracts of documents and other material and objects classified as " most confidential " state secrets.

Article 19. Security measures shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department, together with the central organs concerned, for the trial manufacture, production, transportation, use, preservation, maintenance and destruction of equipment or goods classified as state secrets.

Article 20. In the publication and distribution of newspapers, journals, books, maps, material with illustrations and captions, and audio and video products and in the production and broadcast of radio and television programmes and films, the relevant security regulations shall be complied with and no state secrets shall be divulged.

Article 21. When state secrets have to be furnished for the benefits of contacts and co-operation with foreign countries, approval must be obtained beforehand in line with the prescribed procedures.

Article 22. With regard to meetings and other activities that involve state secrets, the sponsor units shall take security measures, explain to the participants the need to guard secrets and set specific requirements for the purpose.

Article 23. Military forbidden zones and places and locations that are state secrets not open to the public shall be protected by security measures; no one may decide to open them to the public or enlarge the area that is open to the public without approval obtained in accordance with the relevant state regulations.

Article 24. No state secrets shall be divulged in private contacts or correspondence.

When carrying documents and other material and objects classified as state secrets on official tours, no one shall go against the relevant security regulations.

No state secrets shall be discussed in public places.

Article 25. Transmission of state secrets through wire or wireless communications shall be protected by security measures.

No state secrets shall be transmitted by plain code or by a secret code that has not been examined and approved by the central organs concerned.

No documents or other material and objects classified as state secrets shall be transmitted by ordinary mail.

Article 26. Without approval by competent departments, no documents or any other material or objects classified as state secret shall be carried, transmitted, posted or transported out of the country's territory.

Article 27. State secrets shall, depending on the circumstances, be accessible only to a certain number of people. The most confidential state secrets shall be accessible only to people who have obtained approval.

Article 28. Personnel to be placed specially in charge of state secrets shall be examined and approved in accordance with the provisions of the state secret-guarding department and the competent personnel department.

Exit from the country's territory by personnel specially in charge of state secrets shall be approved by the organ that approved their appointment. If the competent department under the State Council holds that the exit of any one of them from the country's territory will endanger state security or cause serious damage to national interests, no approval shall be granted for his exit.

Article 29. State organs and units shall conduct education among their personnel in the need to guard secrets and check up on secret-guarding work regularly.

Article 30. State functionaries and other citizens should, upon discovering that state secrets have been divulged or are in danger of being divulged, take remedial measures immediately and promptly report the matter to the state organs and units concerned, which shall, upon receiving such reports, deal with the matter without delay.


Article 31. Persons who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, divulge state secrets intentionally or through negligence, if the consequences are serious, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 186 of the Criminal Law.

Persons who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, divulge state secrets, if the consequences are not serious enough for criminal punishment, may be given disciplinary sanction in the light of the specific circumstances of each case.

Article 32. Persons who steal, spy on, buy or illegally provide state secrets for institutions, organizations and people outside the country shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.


Article 33. The state secret-guarding department shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate measures for its implementation, which shall come into force after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.

Article 34. The Central Military Commission shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate the Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the Guarding of Secrets.

Article 35. This Law shall come into force as of May 1, 1989. The Provisional Regulations on Guarding State Secrets promulgated in June 1951 shall be annulled as of the same date.



                     中华人民共和国主席  杨尚昆



第一章 总  则

第一条 为保守国家秘密,维护国家的安全和利益,保障改革开放和社会主义建设事业的顺利进行,制定本法。

第二条 国家秘密是关系国家的安全和利益,依照法定程序确定,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。

第三条 一切国家机关、武装力量、政党、社会团体、企业事业单位和公民都有保守国家秘密的义务。

第四条 保守国家秘密的工作,实行积极防范、突出重点、既确保国家秘密又便利各项工作的方针。

第五条 国家保密工作部门主管全国保守国家秘密的工作。县级以上地方各级保密工作部门在其职权范围内,主管本行政区域保守国家秘密的工作。


第六条 县级以上国家机关和涉及国家秘密的单位,根据实际情况设置保密工作机构或者指定人员,管理本机关和本单位保守国家秘密的日常工作。

第七条 在保守、保护国家秘密以及改进保密技术、措施等方面成绩显著的单位或者个人,应当给予奖励。

第二章 国家秘密的范围和密级

第八条 国家秘密包括符合本法第二条规定的下列秘密事项:










第九条 国家秘密的密级分为“绝密”、“机密”、“秘密”三级。


第十条 国家秘密及其密级的具体范围,由国家保密工作部门分别会同外交、公安、国家安全和其他中央有关机关规定。



第十一条 各级国家机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密事项,应当按照国家秘密及其密级具体范围的规定确定密级。

对是否属于国家秘密和属于何种密级不明确的事项,由国家保密工作部门,省、自治区、直辖市的保密工作部门,省、自治区政府所在地的市和经国务院 批准的较大的市的保密工作部门或者国家保密工作部门审定的机关确定。在确定密级前,产生该事项的机关、单位应当按照拟定的密级,先行采取保密措施。

第十二条 属于国家秘密的文件、资料,应当依照本法第九条、第十条、第十一条的规定标明密级。不属于国家秘密的,不应标为国家秘密文件、资料。

第十三条 对是否属于国家秘密和属于何种密级有争议的,由国家保密工作部门或者省、自治区、直辖市的保密工作部门确定。

第十四条 机关、单位对国家秘密事项确定密级时,应当根据情况确定保密期限。确定保密期限的具体办法由国家保密工作部门规定。

第十五条 国家秘密事项的密级和保密期限,应当根据情况变化及时变更。密级和保密期限的变更,由原确定密级和保密期限的机关、单位决定,也可以由其上级机关决定。

第十六条 国家秘密事项的保密期限届满的,自行解密;保密期限需要延长的,由原确定密级和保密期限的机关、单位或者其上级机关决定。


第三章 保密制度

第十七条 属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品的制作、收发、传递、使用、复制、摘抄、保存和销毁,由国家保密工作部门制定保密办法。


第十八条 对绝密级的国家秘密文件、资料和其他物品,必须采取以下保密措施:





第十九条 属于国家秘密的设备或者产品的研制、生产、运输、使用、保存、维修和销毁,由国家保密工作部门会同中央有关机关制定保密办法。

第二十条 报刊、书籍、地图、图文资料、声像制品的出版和发行以及广播节目、电视节目、电影的制作和播放,应当遵守有关保密规定,不得泄露国家秘密。

第二十一条 在对外交往与合作中需要提供国家秘密事项的,应当按照规定的程序事先经过批准。

第二十二条 具有属于国家秘密内容的会议和其他活动,主办单位应当采取保密措施,并对参加人员进行保密教育,规定具体要求。

第二十三条 军事禁区和属于国家秘密不对外开放的其他场所、部位,应当采取保密措施,除依照国家有关规定经过批准外,不得擅自决定对外开放或者扩大开放范围。

第二十四条 不准在私人交往和通信中泄露国家秘密。



第二十五条 在有线、无线通信中传递国家秘密的,必须采取保密措施。



第二十六条 未经有关主管部门批准,禁止将属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品携带、传递、寄运至境外。

第二十七条 国家秘密应当根据需要,限于一定范围的人员接触。绝密级的国家秘密,经过批准的人员才能接触。

第二十八条 任用经管国家秘密事项的专职人员,应当按照国家保密工作部门和人事主管部门的规定予以审查批准。


第二十九条 机关、单位应当对工作人员进行保密教育,定期检查保密工作。

第三十条 国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即采取补救措施并及时报告有关机关、单位;有关机关、单位接到报告后,应当立即作出处理。

第四章 法律责任

第三十一条 违反本法规定,故意或者过失泄露国家秘密,情节严重的,依照刑法第一百八十六条的规定追究刑事责任。


第三十二条 为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密的,依法追究刑事责任。

第五章 附  则

第三十三条 国家保密工作部门根据本法制定实施办法,报国务院批准后施行。

第三十四条 中央军事委员会根据本法制定中国人民解放军保密条例。

第三十五条 本法自1989年5月1日起施行。1951年6月公布的《保守国家机密暂行条例》同时废止。