Circular Regarding Promulgation of the "Provisions on the Administration of Radio, Film, and Television System's Local Foreign Affairs Work" (CECC Partial Translation)

State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television


The following is a partial translation prepared by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China of the Circular Regarding Promulgation of the "Provisions on the Administration of Radio, Film, and Television System's Local Foreign Affairs Work" issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on July 6, 2005.  The Chinese text was retrieved from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Web site on July 7, 2005.

Article 2: Radio, film, and television local foreign affairs work shall serve propaganda work, serve the country's general foreign diplomacy, and serve the development of our country's radio, film, and television industry.

Article 5: Provincial level radio, film, and television administration agencies shall designate one person as primarily responsible for foreign affairs work, establish necessary mechanisms for the administration of foreign affairs work, appoint a cadre who has good political quality, strong professional capabilities, a grasp of policy, and who strictly observes discipline to be responsible for foreign affairs work. Their foreign affairs work shall be subject to administration, guidance, and supervision by the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office and the SARFT Foreign Affairs Department.

Article 7: Radio stations and television stations may not lease radio or television channels (frequencies) to foreign agencies, may not cooperate or jointly invest with foreign agencies in the operation of radio or television channels (frequencies), and may not jointly invest or cooperate with foreign agencies to start radio or television regular programs and radio and television live programs.

The introduction or broadcast of foreign television programs shall be implemented in accordance with the "Broadcast Administration Regulations on the Introduction of Foreign Television Programs" (SARFT Order No. 42).

Article 12: The foreign activities of local radio, film, and television program production operation agencies shall be uniformly administered by the provincial level radio, film, and television administration agencies.

Article 13: Provincial level radio, film, and television administration agencies and agencies under their jurisdiction shall not, as a general rule, organize inter-jurisdictional radio, film, and television representation groups to go abroad to conduct interviews. If it is absolutely necessary, it must be reported to SARFT for approval, and must undertake approval measures in accordance with relevant regulations.

Other inter-jurisdictional radio, film, and television representative groups from agencies or local groups who go abroad to conduct interviews shall first seek approval from SARFT. Provincial level radio, film, and television administration agencies, radio, film, and television groups (main stations), radio stations, television channels, and broadcast television stations may not send their staff to participate in inter-jurisdictional or inter-industry groups to travel abroad to conduct interviews without first having approval from a local People's Government Foreign Affairs Office with authority to examine and approve travel abroad.

Article 14: The provincial level People's government shall approve a responsible person from the provincial level radio, film, and television administration agency to lead radio, film, and television groups who go abroad to conduct interviews, and their identity shall be recorded with SARFT.

Article 15: Employees of work units under the provincial level radio, film, and television administration agencies or groups (central stations) who are assigned to go abroad to conduct interviews or produce radio or television programs shall, if the material for the program is considered important, sensitive, or on a major subject shall, after being reported by the responsible provincial level radio, film, and television administration agency to the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office for approval, be reported to SARFT for approval and, when necessary, be reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for examination and approval.

If local radio, film, and television agencies travel abroad to interview international organizations, they must request approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office or the SARFT Foreign Affairs Department.

Article 16: Any provincial level radio station or television station that invites a foreign ambassador or foreign provincial or ministerial level official to come to their radio station or television station to make a speech or participate in the recording of a program or a live broadcast shall, after being reported by the provincial level radio, film, and television administration agency to the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office for examination and verification, be reported to SARFT for approval and, when necessary, be reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for examination and approval. Invitations to other foreign personnel to participate in the aforementioned activities shall be reported by the provincial level radio, film, and television administration agency to the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office for examination and approval.

Article 17: Any provincial level radio, film, and television administration agency, provincial level radio, film, and television administration agencies or groups (central stations), provincial level radio station, or television station that invites responsible personnel from a foreign radio station or television station to lead a group to visit China to conduct friendly interviews or hold industry trade talks shall, after having reported to the provincial level radio, film, and television administration agency for examination and verification, report to the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office for examination and approval, and record this with SARFT.

Article 18: Applications for foreign radio and television journalists and other personnel engaged in film and television who come to our country temporarily to conduct interviews shall, after SARFT has received, examined, and verified them, be reported by SARFT to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for examination and approval.

If radio or television interviews are only to be carried out in Guangdong or Shanghai, they shall be reported to the local provincial level People's Government Foreign Affairs Office for examination and approval, and recorded with SARFT.





第一章 总 则

第一条 为加强广播电影电视地方外事管理工作,规范和促进广播影视对外交流,按照统一领导、归口管理、分级负责、协调配合的原则,制定本规定。

第二条 广播影视地方外事工作要为宣传工作服务,为国家的总体外交服务,为我国广播影视业发展服务。

第三条 广播影视地方外事工作要认真贯彻中央对外方针政策,严格执行国家外事规章制度,严守外事工作纪律。

第四条 国家广播电影电视总局(以下简称广电总局)负责管理全国广播影视外事工作,归口管理、协调指导、规划部署地方广播影视外事工作。

第五条 省级广播影视行政部门应确定一名主要负责人主管外事工作,设立必要的外事管理机构,指派政治素质好、业务能力强、掌握政策、严守纪律的干部负责外事工作。其外事工作接受当地省级人民政府外事办公室和广电总局外事部门的管理、指导和监督。

第二章 业务合作

第六条 省级广播影视行政部门在国内主办国际性的研讨会、专业会议,经省级广播影视行政部门报广电总局审批,抄省级人民政府外事办公室备案;省级广播影视行政部门所属机构主办国际性研讨会、专业会议,经省级广播影视行政部门审核后,报广电总局审批,抄省级人民政府外事办公室备案。必要时,在征求广电总局同意后,由省级人民政府报国务院审批。
举办涉外广播影视节展、节目交易活动,应按《广播影视节(展)及节目交流活动管理规定》(广电总局令第38 号)的有关规定,报广电总局审批。

第七条 广播电台、电视台不得向境外机构出租广播电视频道(率),不得与境外机构合资、合作经营广播电视频道(率),不得与境外机构合资、合作开办广播电视固定栏目和广播电视直播节目。

第八条 中外合作摄制电影片、中外合作制作电视剧(动画片)按照《中外合作摄制电影片管理规定》(广电总局令第31号)、《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》(广电总局令第41号)执行。

第九条 赴国外租、买广播电视频道(率)、时段和设立广播电台、电视台,应按《赴国外租买频道和设台管理暂行规定》(广电总局令第12号)的有关规定,经省级广播影视行政部门审核后,报广电总局审批。

第十条 地方广播影视机构申请加入广播影视国际组织须报广电总局商外交部审定。

第十一条 地方广播电台、电视台与外国机构签订广播影视具体业务合作计划或商业性合同,由省级广播影视行政部门审批。

第十二条 地方广播影视节目制作经营机构的涉外活动,由省级广播影视行政部门统一管理。

第三章 人员往来

第十三条 省级广播影视行政部门及所属机构一般不得组织跨省、自治区、直辖市广播影视代表团出国访问。如确有必要,须报广电总局批准,并按照有关规定办理审批事项。

第十四条 省级广播影视行政部门负责人率领广播影视代表团出国访问,由省级人民政府审批,并报广电总局备案。

第十五条 省级广播影视行政部门或集团(总台)所属单位派员赴境外采访或摄制广播电视节目,如属重要、敏感题材,或属大型专题节目,由省级广播影视行政主管部门报当地省级人民政府外事办公室同意后报广电总局审批,必要时报外交部审批。

第十六条 省级广播电台、电视台邀请外国驻华大使或外国省部级官员到电台、电视台发表讲话,或参与专栏节目录像、直播,需由省级广播影视行政部门报当地省级人民政府外事办公室审核后,报外交部审批;邀请其他外籍人员参加上述活动,由省级广播影视行政部门报当地省级人民政府外事办公室审批。

第十七条 省级广播影视行政部门、广播影视集团(总台)、广播电台、电视台邀请外国电台、电视台负责人率团来华友好访问或洽谈业务,应经省级广播影视行政部门审核后报当地省级人民政府外事办公室审批,报广电总局备案。

第十八条 外国广播电视记者及其他影视从业人员申请来我国临时采访,由广电总局受理并审核后报外交部审批。

第四章 附 则

第十九条 省级广播影视行政部门所属电影机构的对外交流工作,还应符合《电影管理条例》、《中外合作摄制电影片管理规定》(广电总局令第31号)、《电影企业经营资格准入暂行规定》(广电总局、商务部令第43号)及其他电影管理方面的规定。

第二十条 违反本规定的,由广电总局及省级广播影视行政部门按有关规定处理。

第二十一条 与我国香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区广播影视机构的交流与合作,除依有关专门规定外,参照本规定执行。

第二十二条 省级广播影视行政部门可参照本规定,结合当地实际情况,制定实施办法。

第二十三条 本规定自2005年7月7日施行。《广播影视系统地方外事工作管理规定》(广发外字(1996)792号)同时废止。