Interim Implementation Provisions for the Administration of Those Employed as Radio and Television News Reporters and Editors (CECC Partial Translation)


The following is a partial translation prepared by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China of the "Interim Implementation Provisions for the Administration of Those Employed as Radio and Television News Reporters and Editors" issued by the State Administration for Radio, Film and Television on April 1, 2005.  The Chinese text was retrieved from the State Administration for Radio, Film and Television Web site on April 1, 2005.

2. Raise awareness of protecting secrets.  It is necessary to instruct news reporting and editing personal to strengthen their political consciousness, mass consciousness, responsibility consciousness, and not disclose anything they know to be Party or state secrets. . . .

3. Strive to grasp reports of crimes and discipline violations. It is necessary to ensure that reporting on crimes and discipline violations has the correct orientation, restrains negative effects, is conscious of obeying legal case reporting discipline, and pays attention to the political and social consequences of the legal case report. With respect to reporting on crimes and discipline violations, it is also necessary to grasp the appropriate degree, and also grasp the appropriate amount, and avoid excessive reporting, inappropriate displays of form, unsuitable choices of content, inaccurate grasp of scale, or causing harmful social influences.

4. Strive to grasp propaganda reporting outside of China. . . . put forth an effort to safeguard the interests and the image of the nation.  It is necessary to persist in giving priority to ourselves, giving priority to positive propaganda, speak using the facts, and persist in maintaining the differences between the internal and the external, and the differences between the external and the external . . . . observe discipline with respect to propagandizing to foreigners, maintain a high degree of unanimity with the central government's line of action with respect to foreigners, and do not create any static or noise

5. Handle ethnic minority religious issue reports cautiously. It is necessary to strive to grasp the Party's fundamental standpoint, fundamental policies, and fundamental common knowledge on ethnic minority religions, and to propagandize the Marxist materialist theory and atheism theory with the knowledge that justice is on our side, and to furthermore propagandize the Marxist perspective on the motherland, nationalities, religion and culture, and simultaneously respect the social customs and traditions and religious beliefs of minorities. . . . With respect to reports on breaking events relating to minorities and minority areas, it is necessary to have a cautious grasp, and ask for instructions from the relevant government agency in a timely manner.



  4月1日,广电总局向各省、自治区、直辖市广播影视局(厅)、新疆生产建设兵团广播电视局,各省、直辖市广播影视集团、总台,中国教育电视台发 出《广电总局印发的通知》,通知说,为深入贯彻落实中宣部、国家广电总局、新闻出版总署联合颁布的《关于新闻采编人员从业管理的规定(试行)》,结合广播 影视新闻工作实际,加强新闻职业道德建设,规范广播影视新闻采编人员行为,维护广播影视的良好形象,促进广播影视事业的健康发展,广电总局研究制定了《广 播影视新闻采编人员从业管理的实施方案(试行)》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。
